SANS on tour
A sampling of video memories and member slideshows & stories about our tours. For photo collections of our tours, visit our photos page.
“Total Praise” - SANS shared a powerful moment on stage singing with music students at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi on our Civil Rights Tour, in March, 2023. No rehearsal - just a shared love for singing together.
“Stand by Me” - SANS sang with students at Mamelodi high school, outside Pretoria, South Africa.
“Kwamashu” - SANS workshop with the WITS Choir, Johannesburg South Africa.
tour memories & reflections by sans members

Member Post: I Have a Dream - Reflections on Birmingham
South Africa 2017 Video Slideshow: Here are some portraits of many of the travelers and many of the people the Sharing A New Song chorus met in South Africa on our 2017 Tour. Created by Eric Solomon